Thursday, December 18, 2008

I Will Not Be Moved!

I've been struggling alot with standing firm on what I belive in! When I'm out in public, hanging with my friends, there's plenty of temptations to give in to peer pressure. Sometimes I think that if I act a certain way, then people will think I'm cool and I'd feel accepted by them. But lately, I've really been battling Satan and His wicked ways to try and get me to mess up. There's a song by Natalie Grant called I Will Not Be Moved and basically its my lifesong. I remind myself about the lyrics and I go to God when I feel like the temptation is bigger then I can handle. God's really shown me to trust in Him with my WHOLE heart, and not just 3/4th's of it. I've found that even though I'm not getting the reaction from my peers that my flesh wants, the feeling of satifaction from the Lord is more than anything come close to! I really love God SO much! He is the most amazing thing thats happened to me! When I feel like giving up, I remember that with God, I Will NOT be moved! :) No one, not even Satan, can control me!

I get my confidence from Christ!


"I'm in love with God and God's in love with me! This is who I am and this is who I'll be!"

-The Access

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hello my friends! :)

Hey everyone! Yeah, I finally decided to get a blog! (thanks Morgan) So I'm going to start off by just telling everyone a little bit about my life so far...

Most of you know I am the 3rd born of 12 soon-to-be 13 kids!

I'm a senior in high school and I have SO many things to get done before graduation! My dream job is to be a singer/songwriter! God is SO good and I LOVE Him with ALL of my heart, soul and mind! :)

Well, I'm still trying to get used to this blogging thing soooo, Peace out :)

